Main agency : h2impression for online orders and complex quotations
h2impression : digital and offset printing quotation, graphic design and accounting. You can order online or
directly at this office. Near the Grands Boulevards clickhere2nd
Photocopy, binding, scan, poster per unit and hot lamination, please proceed directly to our workshops.
Bourse (Old stock Exchange) near the Opera clickhere 2nd arrondissement. Open most of Saturdays.
Bastille square in the Marais district clickhere4th arrondissement.
Gobelins : near rue Mouffetard and Place d'Italie 13th. Click here.
Vaneau (Sèvres Babylone) district near Le Bon Marché clickhere6th arrondissement.
Montparnasse district right near the skyscraper and the railway station click here 15th
Vincennes city on the eastern side of Paris accessible with metro line 1 and close from its famous castle. Click here.